The American psychiatrist who wrote a heavily-criticised report for Family First about a number of safe sex websites has responded by questioning whether ‘gays’ in New Zealand want to stay alive. “Gays in New Zealand dismiss medical facts about HIV as homophobic. Don't they want to stay alive?” Miriam Grossman has tweeted. It’s in response to the New Zealand AIDS Foundation’s critique of her report. Its Executive Director wrote: “The not so subtle homophobic rhetoric is perhaps most blatantly illustrated with the line ‘The anus is an exit, not an entrance. This is not the Bible; this is science. Unlike the vagina, nature put a tight sphincter at the entrance of the anus. It’s there for a reason: keep out!’.” readers have had fun with the statement, with witty responses such as “I once used a vagina for an exit!”, “She must be a scientist: she's got the white coat,” and “The mouth can be used for speaking and not speaking. Shame the American psychiatrist doesn't do more of the latter!”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 21st June 2013 - 12:30pm