Thu 20 Jun 2013 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
File Photo Marriage equality advocates have welcomed majority support in the South Australian Upper House for a motion congratulating New Zealand’s Parliament on achieving marriage equality. Put forward by Labor’s Gerry Kandelaars, it was passed 11 votes to 10 with the support of two Liberal members, Stephen Wade and Michelle Lensink. Australian Marriage Equality South Australian convener Harley Schumann says the group welcomes the co-operative, cross-party support which allowed this motion to pass. "The vote sends the message that South Australia is a progressive and inclusive community." Schumann also welcomed a Bill allowing same-sex marriages at a state level, to be introduced today by South Australian Lower House member, Susan Close. "The Bill would allow the South Australian parliament to achieve what it has just congratulated New Zealand for achieving,” he says. "We look to South Australia leading the way on this important reform should similar legislation continue to fail in the federal parliament." Also today, the federal Senate will debate a Bill to allow overseas same-sex marriages to be recognised in Australia. Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, says the fact South Australian Liberals were allowed a conscience vote puts pressure on Tony Abbott to do the same. "The fact that Liberal MPs voted for the marriage equality motion is a reminder that this reform has support across the political spectrum and should be subject to a cross-party conscience vote." Marriage equality motions have also passed the Tasmanian House of Assembly, the NSW Legislative Council and the ACT Legislative Assembly. Marriage equality legislation was narrowly defeated in the Tasmanian Parliament last year and is pending in NSW, Victoria, Western Australia and the ACT.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 20th June 2013 - 9:26am