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Queer Avengers attacked after speaking out

Mon 17 Jun 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News

From the Queer Avengers' Queer The Night march The Queer Avengers are being hit with hate after they criticised an All Black’s homophobic tweet. Queer Avenger Sara Fraser says the hatred and trolling simply prove the need to take a stand and speak out against homophobia. She has received attacks on her own personal social media pages. “Luckily I am in a position to deal with such crap, but there are many in our communities who have lost the mental strength to keep coping, resulting in depression, self-harm and even suicide,” Fraser says. “I find it ridiculous that someone who identifies as straight feels they have a right to tell those of us who do not, when and when we should not be offended. “I hope Dagg is becoming aware of the long term effects and permission his use of the word 'fag' has.” Some people are also responding to media coverage of Israel Dagg’s tweet by throwing homophobic slurs around on Twitter, such as Matthew Robertson’s‏: “Israel Dagg has to say sorry for saying the word fag, what a faggot world it is. #hardenupfags.”     

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 17th June 2013 - 10:31am

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