Josh Thomson The head of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) says a fighter who questioned whether marriage equality would lead to incest “should leave talking to smart people”. In a Facebook post fighter Josh Thomson asked: “Should you be allowed to marry whoever you want? Before you answer that, should u be allowed to have more than 1 wife?” He added: “Should siblings be allowed to marry siblings?” While he won’t be suspended, UFC head Dana White has told he made himself look foolish. “He didn’t say anything negative. He didn’t say anything bad… He didn’t say anything against gay marriage or gay people. He just posed the question. Is it stupid? What he put down was probably the dumbest thing I’ve heard. He should probably get a hobby like finger painting, or something, and leave talking to smart people. That’s probably what he should do. “That would probably be really good for him, but we don’t stop people from having their own opinions. He doesn’t like gay marriage — that’s his opinion. He didn’t hurt anybody, he didn’t say anything negative. He just said that if people were able to do what they think is fun, or what makes them happy, when does it end? What he said was asinine and absolutely just the stupidest gibberish I’ve ever seen in my life. He should stick to finger painting or fighting and leave the talking to smarter people. He didn’t hurt anybody.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 16th June 2013 - 11:07am