The 2013 Love Life Fono is being described as an opportunity for 'Pasifika pride' to take centre stage. Registrations are open for the event, which will be held at Auckland University's Waipapa Marae from 25 to 27 October. The fono is back for the fifth time. Facilitated by Pasifika leaders from around Aotearoa and in association with The New Zealand AIDS Foundation and Get it On!, the mantra of Love Life Fono is that 'loving our lives is the first step to owning our power and growing the strength of our people'. This year's theme is 'Voices of the Third Spirit' which is reference to the dual spirits that many indigenous cultures believe LGBTI people have. During the fono participants will be given time to reflect on where they have come from, where we they are now and where they are going. The weekend will also be a chance to talk about the health and wellbeing of Pasifika people, particularly in regards to HIV. NZAF Executive Director Shaun Robinson says the fono is a much-loved event on the NZAF calendar. "The NZAF is dedicated to working from the ground up to build informed, healthy and HIV-resilient communities whose diversity is cherished in Aotearoa New Zealand. "Love Life Fono plays an important part in doing that and I for one will be looking forward to standing alongside my Pacific brothers and sisters to celebrate their lives." To sign up for Love Life Fono visit
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 15th June 2013 - 7:16pm