After a year in Europe, Buffy and Bimbo, aka Jonathan Smith and Kevin Baker, are back, a little sooner than anticipated, and have produced another in their series of comedy drag shows, this time called Buffy and Bimbo's Canceled World Tour. It's an odd title. “We needed to think of a really quirky title, we needed to reflect the quirky side to our shows,” says Smith who's alter-ego on stage is the sly, feisty Bimbo. “And we sort of have been on a world tour and done lots of performance over there and we needed to add something to that to bring people in so we decided on the ‘Canceled World Tour,' It's already caused a bit of a flutter, according to Smith “A young gay boy came up to me and said that he was really sorry that our world tour was canceled!” Buffy and Bimbo have been around for a while now, first spotted in trashy, flashy outfits in Auckland's Hero Parade as the Fabulous Makeover girls. “We're bringing the Fabulous Makeover Girls back, but in a more sophisticated style. Rather than the old hair roller skirts and bras, they're now a little more upmarket, and they're going to do an interactive game show based on our heritage.” Game shows were a major element of early B28, 29