The fundamentalist "Family First Lobby" is parroting questionable US Christian Right ideologues about the effects of same sex parenting. It is worth noting that these views are not based on contemporary research on same-sex parenting within the United States. This month, Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatrics, reviewed existing evidence-based research about same-sex parenting within a peer-reviewed article, "The Effects of Marriage, Civil Union and Domestic Partnership Laws on the Health and Wellbeing of Children" within same-sex-led families. The authors unsurprisingly found that same-sex parenting either had positive results or neutral effects on the lives of offspring. As with earlier research within mainstream developmental psychology or pediatrics, the literature review found that same-sex parents and their children had good spousal communication about child welfare, good adult-child welfare, were diligent in seeking positive opposite-sex role models for their children, and sought learning opportunities that would benefit their childrens cognitive and emotional development. Moreover, the research found that there were no detriments in terms of educational progress or future employment opportunities. Indeed, with strong female role models, daughters of lesbian led families showed greater likelihood of nontraditional career orientation, while sons showed greater interpersonal skills than counterparts from heterosexual counterparts. This reinforces earlier research from the Evan B.Donaldson Adoption Institute in March 2006, where a smaller literature review noted similar effects, entitled: "Expanding Resources for Children: Is Adoption by Lesbians and Gay Men the Answer for Boys and Girls Who Need Homes?" Family First, the World Congress of Families and David Popenoe are welcome to express their subjective religious viewpoints on areas of public policy that they are concerned about, but they should not pretend that they are citing mainstream child health and welfare evidence-based research while doing so. Craig Young - 14th July 2006