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Stolen Generation advocates call for apology

Wed 22 May 2013 In: International News

Pastor Ray Minniecon Advocates for Australia’s Stolen Generations have called for an apology from the Australian Christian Lobby for comparing the forced removal of Indigenous People from their families to same-sex couples marrying and having children. "As a representative organisation for the Stolen Generations, we are deeply concerned by the comments made by Lyle Sheldon on behalf of the Australian Christian Lobby comparing former Prime Minister Rudd's support for marriage equality with creating another Stolen Generation, says Pastor Ray Minniecon, CEO of Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation, a Stolen Generations Service for Indigenous men and their families. "The assimilation policy of forced removal of children from their homes and the subsequent abuse of those children is no way comparable to the desire of a loving couple to have a child and have their relationship recognized. "It is disrespectful to the current Stolen Generations, their history and their families. "It is also dehumanising and demonising of gay couples and their desire for marriage and family. "We call on Lyle Sheldon to apologize to the Stolen Generations and to the gay community for this comparison. "We call on other Christian leaders to publicly repudiate Lyle and the Australian Christian Lobby and to back our call for an apology."    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 22nd May 2013 - 1:15pm

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