Becky Crouch A gay Aucklander will compete in the semi-finals of the Raw Comedy Quest as part of the New Zealand International Comedy Festival tonight, and would love support from the GLBTI community. Becky Crouch will bring her jokes and witty songs to the stage at The Classic. The 29-year-old came out two years ago when I she met her girlfriend, who was on a working holiday visa from Scotland. “I had been in denial for a long time, lol same old story…living a life of awkward first dates with men I had no interest in,” she tells Daily News. “Anyway we now live together in Auckland CBD, with our dodgy Irish flatmate, Gary, and we haven't looked back! Life is completely awesome.” While she has been performing comedy for just a few months, she loves making people love and says the comedy community is great. Crouch has a song “it’s cool to be gay now” as part of her set, which she says is pretty dumb, funny and very catchy. “It’s a bit of a satirical look at how straight people see gay people, and suggests the possibility of the listener being gay themselves and just never admitting it. “I've played it three times in two locations (one in Ponsonby at Snatch Bar) and it's been a big hit. I think the timing for it is good.” On a more serious note, Crouch also wants to be a role model for young people specifically, and people who are scared to come out or scared to be who they really are. “My mission in life is to have people be who they want to be, whoever that is, and for them to be safe doing that,” she says. “I'm a world traveller, I own two businesses based in Auckland, I have a certificate in elephant training, I'm an atheist, I speak four languages, I'm a stand-up comedian and I am gay. “People can do anything they want to do in their lives. I want to empower that.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 29th April 2013 - 2:13pm