Louisa Wall Marriage equality advocate Louisa Wall MP is amongst those glbti people who will not be able to be married in their own church, despite the resoundingly positive pro-equality vote in Parliament last week. Wall is a member of the Ratana Church in South Auckland, which she attends occasionally. But minister Apotoro Rehita Kimiora Pene has told reporters same-sex marriage is "not part of our structure of beliefs". He said that stance is unlikely to change soon. While some churches and ministers, such as lesbian Presbyterian Minister Margaret Mayman at Wellington's St Andrews on the Terrace, say they will conduct religious ceremonies in their churches for glbti people, the majority of churches and denominations remain closed to gay marriage. Wall says she is ok with her church's stance and if she and her Civil Union partner, Prue Kapua were ever to opt for marriage the ceremony would by preference be held on a marae.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 23rd April 2013 - 9:36pm