Yet another complaint about Powershop's billboard showing the Pope blessing a gay couple has been discarded. Complainant, A. Fouhy, said the ad was offensive to Catholics as it mocked their faith and was disrespectful particularly given the recent resignation of the Pope. They also said the tagline was misleading as the Pope cannot change his attitude for things that are Catholic dogma. The Advertising Standards Authority has ruled the ad is another example of the Powershop's strategy of using irony and humour for its “same power different attitude” campaign. "While acknowledging the offence the advertisement had caused the Complainants, the Chairman said the advertisement before her did not reach the threshold to be said to cause serious or widespread offence in light of generally prevailing community standards. Neither did it breach the due sense of responsibility to consumers and to society."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 21st April 2013 - 3:05pm