Bitter critics of GLBT rights have immediately slammed the passage of the marriage equality Bill as being “cultural vandalism” and “bizarre”. National Director of Family First NZ and co-ordinator of the Protect Marriage campaign, Bob McCoskrie, says Parliament has “chosen to reject the obvious cultural and natural character of marriage and the subsequent creation and care of children, and made marriage just about partnership. “In ramming through this bill in a shameful way without due consideration, and with no clear public mandate, politicians have committed an arrogant act of cultural vandalism.” McCoskrie believes the equality cause is not advanced by ‘destroying institutions’. “Equality should respect difference, not destroy it. There was no discrimination in the law as it stood.” He feels marriage has now become meaningless. The Catholic Bishops of New Zealand have also weighed in, saying they are deeply sad. "We find it bizarre that what has been discarded is an understanding of marriage that has its origin in human nature and common to every culture, and that almost all references to husband and wife will be removed from legislation referencing marriage. We know many New Zealanders stand with us in this,” says Archbishop John Dew, President of the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 17th April 2013 - 10:43pm