The Campaign for Marriage Equality is ecstatic that the Marriage Equality Bill has passed its final reading in Parliament tonight. The Bill passed by 77 votes to 44 and will now become law. “This is a hard fought victory for the hundreds of thousands of ordinary Kiwis who stood up for equal treatment for all” says Campaign Convener Conrad Reyners. “The positive response from Kiwis has blown us away. This was truly a nationwide movement. Our campaign supported fairness, family and love. We want to thank every single person who helped make marriage equality a reality.” “When this Bill comes into force in four months time, the sun will still rise. All that will change is that tens of thousands of ordinary Kiwis in loving, committed relationships will finally be treated like the equal citizens they are,” said Reyners. The Campaign for Marriage Equality says it’s extremely proud of the positive, celebratory way that Kiwis and MPs have supported Marriage Equality. “We always knew that love would be more persuasive than fear. Every single MP who has voted for marriage equality now stands on the right side of history. Their legacy is a more equal New Zealand where all New Zealanders are treated fairly under our marriage law.” New Zealand is the 13th country in the world to grant full marriage rights to its citizens.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 17th April 2013 - 9:54pm