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After parties, Anika show, planned for Weds

Mon 15 Apr 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

After parties have been planned all over the country for the third reading of the marriage equality Bill, while Anika Moa will play a free show in Christchurch. The public gallery at Parliament is expected to be packed for Wednesday night's third reading, with limited seats available for people who arrive early. The third reading is expected to begin around 7.30PM. A hoped for spill-over room has just been confirmed in the last 24hours, it will be the Legislative Council Chamber at Parliament. This is also where the speeches will be held after the vote, and where all those who worked on the campaign can be thanked. The San Francisco Bathhouse nightclub will host an after-party. The third reading will also be screened at gay Wellington venues S  

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 15th April 2013 - 1:22pm

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