File photo Canada’s House of Commons has passed a Bill criminalising discrimination against transgender people. The Commons voted 149-137 to pass the bill, which would classify violence against trans people as a hate crime. Some representatives from the majority Conservative Party helped it across the line, with 16 voting in favour. The majority of Conservatives voted against the bill, including Party leader and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. New Democrat Party member Randall Garrison, who sponsored the bill, said after it passed: “Today New Democrats are proud to have contributed to ensuring equal protection under the law from discrimination and hatred based on gender identity. “Transgender and transsexual citizens are among the most marginalized and are too often victims of harassment and acts of violence.” The bill will now go to a Senate vote, which it is expected to pass.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 23rd March 2013 - 11:13am