The bill to legalise marriage for GLBT New Zealanders has tonight passed its second reading by 77 votes to 44. It now needs to pass just one more reading before it becomes law. The successful vote came after another passionate debate in front of a packed public gallery. Green MP Jan Logie, wearing ‘wedding white’, explained that the Green Party was voting as a bloc as it was a human rights issue. "Even if the majority of NZ was opposed to this bill, we would still support it. Human rights exist to protect the minority from the prejudice of the majority." National MP Tau Henare was fiercely in favour, saying it was not even about straight people. “It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with my sanity, my lack of sanity. My happiness, my lack of happiness,” he said. “It has everything to do with other people's sanity, their happiness and how they choose to live their lives." Another National MP Chris Auchinvole said he had "internalised the complicated situation" in his head heart and soul and decided to vote for the Bill. He addressed the claims marriage equality will end society, acknowledging the sincerity of submitters who believe that, but says it was based on apprehension and fear. Auchinvole finished by saying the Bill actually put family first, and should be passed. Another National MP, Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, said he was pro human rights but did not believe he was discriminating with his position against the Bill as he believes marriage has sanctity. He said there was "considerable anxiety" in religious organisations about this change. "My concern is to protect the uniqueness of marriage as a concern between the man and the woman ... while all the people are equal, not all the relationships are the same." Also tonight, Winston Peters’ attempt to force a referendum on the issue failed. Who voted for and against: FOR: 77 National: Amy Adams, Chris Auchinvole, Maggie Barry, Paula Bennett, Jackie Blue, Cam Calder, David Carter, Judith Collins, Jacqui Dean, Craig Foss, Aaron Gilmore (new MP), Paul Goldsmith, Jo Goodhew, Tim Groser, Tau Henare, Paul Hutchison, Nikki Kaye, Steven Joyce, John Key, Hekia Parata, Jami-Lee Ross, Scott Simpson, Chris Tremain, Nicky Wagner, Kate Wilkinson, Maurice Williamson. Labour: Jacinda Ardern, Carol Beaumont (new MP), David Clark, Clayton Cosgrove, David Cunliffe, Clare Curran, Lianne Dalziel, Ruth Dyson, Kris Faafoi, Darien Fenton, Phil Goff, Chris Hipkins, Parekura Horomia, Raymond Huo (did not vote first reading), Shane Jones, Annette King, Iain Lees-Galloway, Andrew Little, Moana Mackey, Nanaia Mahuta, Trevor Mallard, Sue Moroney, David Parker, Rajen Prasad, Grant Robertson, David Shearer, Maryan Street, Rino Tirikatene, Phil Twyford, Louisa Wall, Megan Woods. Greens: Steffan Browning, David Clendon, Catherine Delahunty, Julie-Anne Genter, Kennedy Graham, Kevin Hague, Gareth Hughes, Jan Logie, Mojo Mathers, Russel Norman, Denise Roche, Metiria Turei, Eugenie Sage, Holly Walker. Maori Party: Pita Sharples, Te Ururoa Flavell, Tariana Turia United Future: Peter Dunne ACT: John Banks Mana: Hone Harawira AGAINST: 44 National: Shane Ardern, Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, David Bennett, Chester Borrows, Simon Bridges, Gerry Brownlee (changed vote), Jonathan Coleman (changed vote), Bill English, Chris Finlayson, Nathan Guy, John Hayes, Phil Heatley, Colin King, Melissa Lee, Sam Lotu-Iiga, Tim Macindoe, Todd McClay, Murray McCully (changed vote), Ian McKelvie (changed vote), Mark Mitchell, Alfred Ngaro, Simon O'Connor, Eric Roy, Tony Ryall, Mike Sabin, Katrina Shanks, Nick Smith, Lindsay Tisch, Anne Tolley, Louise Upston, Michael Woodhouse, Jian Yang, Jonathan Young. Labour: Damien O'Connor, Ross Robertson, Su'a William Sio NZ First: Asenati Lole-Taylor, Tracey Martin, Winston Peters, Richard Prosser, Barbara Stewart, Andrew Williams, Denis O'Rourke. Independent: Brendan Horan
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 13th March 2013 - 10:23pm