Lynda Topp has made it clear she is all on board for marriage equality, slamming Family First for using her upcoming nuptials to try and push its opinions. The Topp Twin will join hands with Donna Luxton, at a ceremony in South Canterbury this month. A New Zealand Herald speculative piece on the nuptials reads: “While gay marriage has not yet been legalised, it's understood the couple will join in a civil union and consider it a marriage.” Family First interpreted that as meaning Topp believes civil unions are enough and posted it on the Protect Marriage Facebook page trumpeting her support for keeping the current system. Followers on the group’s Facebook site expressed excitement at that analysis, before Topp posted: “WRONG," explaining they see their ceremony as a wedding ceremony. "We do not believe in civil union. It is discrimination. My partner and I are getting married, so there.” Topp also asked the website not to use her good name to promote its anti-marriage equality views. A response from Protect Marriage thanked the performer for the clarification, before the post was removed.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 5th March 2013 - 12:58pm