Gay MP Kevin Hague in Parliament The current legal situation whereby single glbti people can adopt children but same-sex couples cannot is "absurd" according to Kevin Hague MP and the select committee into the marriage equality bill. "Currently under the law a homosexual or transgender person may legally adopt a child, but same-sex couples may not. Such a position seems absurd," the committee says in its report to parliament released this morning. "The amendments we recommend will ensure that married couples are eligible to adopt, regardless of the gender of the adoptive parents," the report says. Speaking to Daily News moments ago, Hague, a gay MP who sat on the select committee, says the many submissions against Louisa Wall's bill urging MPs to "think of the children!" did not carry any weight with the majority of the committee. "We didn't accept in any way that glbti people are less fit to be parents. Let's face it, many of us already are excellent parents." Hague says the issue is only a small part of the bill and the committee's recommendations. "It's reflected in the adoption section of our report only and, let's face it, the change is a tiny one."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 27th February 2013 - 1:13pm