Conrad Reyners "A clear message that New Zealand is ready for marriage equality,” is the verdict of the Campaign for Marriage Equality following the news the Government and Administration Select Committee is backing Louisa Wall’s bill. “It is a ringing endorsement of love, fairness, family, and for the equal treatment of all kiwis before the law" campaign spokesperson Conrad Reyners says. The group is acknowledging the thousands of New Zealanders who made submissions in support of marriage equality. “So many kiwis told incredibly personal stories in support of the bill. Their courage has been rewarded by the select committee report released today,” Reyners says. He says the campaign is also pleased to see the rights of religious organisations protected, with the select committee recommending an amendment to the Bill to protect the religious beliefs of celebrants and organisations. The Campaign for Marriage Equality is urging all members of parliament to vote in favour at the bill's second reading on 13 March.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 27th February 2013 - 11:45am