Mon 18 Feb 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The coordinator of the Auckland Pride Parade says the participation of a radio host who lost a bet was pre-planned, saying it was designed to help break down barriers. There has been some criticism on The Edge’s Facebook page of the stunt by Dom Harvey of The Edge, who marched in the parade in a gold g-string. Luella Wheeler asks “What kind of message is it sending to have someone attend a PRIDE event as the result of a lost bet - the implication being that this is embarrassing or shameful?? “The parade is about pride and the rights of people to live and express true to themselves with freedom and however they choose. The event is NOT about mockery. Disgusted.” Others say “good on you,” and that it “takes balls”. Pride Parade Coordinator Jonathan Smith says he was totally involved – he in fact came up with the idea as PR for the parade. He appeared on The Edge’s breakfast show last week and again this morning to discuss the parade and Harvey’s part in it. “Sometimes it is more effective to work with people in order for them to understand who we are as a community and what is right and what is wrong. Education is a very powerful tool and very effective with people who want to learn,” Smith says. “Dom is a very decent man and might have made mistakes in the past but is truly supportive of who we are and what I do.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 18th February 2013 - 10:56am