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K Rd community safety meeting scheduled

Wed 23 Jan 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News

Karangahape Road Following the most recent of a series of attacks on gay men on and around Auckland's gayest street a community meeting has been announced to air concerns and seek out solutions to improve personal safety in the area. The open community meeting has been scheduled for 6pm on Monday February 11th at The Parlour of Pitt Street Methodist Church in the heart of the troubled area. "This is an opportunity to raise awareness of the projects that are improving safety on Karangahape Road and its surrounding side streets, as well as raising our communities' awareness about safety as we head into the Auckland Pride Festival," say organisers Karen Ritchie of the Cartier Trust and Tom Hamilton of Rainbow Youth. They say the K. Rd Business Association and K. Rd Security will attend and "we aim to invite representatives of the NZ Police, NZ Police Diversity Liaison Officers, as well as local MPs and Local Government representatives."    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 - 5:24pm

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