Nikki Kaye MP Pro-gay equality Auckland Central MP Nikki Kaye has moved up the board in the National party, with several new portfolios added to her ministerial responsibilities. Kaye is now Associate Education Minister, understudying the troubled Hekia Parata. She is also responsible for Food Safety, Civil Defence, and Youth Affairs and will now be Associate Immigration Minister. Kay was the initial public lobbyist for Auckland Council funding for next months inaugural Pride Festival and has been consistently supportive of glbti initiatives. However, her defense of PM John Key when he was widely criticised for his slur against gays in the infamous "gay red top" affair late last year concerned many gay observers. Kaye says she believes in building cross-party bridges to achieve political aims and has described her goals to Daily News as creating equal opportunities for all New Zealanders.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 - 8:35pm