Jodie Foster Hollywood actress and director Jodie Foster appears to have formally come out for the second time, in a long and slightly rambling Lifetime Achievement award acceptance speech in which she asked for privacy. Though not using the words "gay" or "lesbian" to describe herself she said: "I hope that you're not disappointed that there won't be a big coming-out speech tonight because I already did my coming-out about a thousand years ago back in the Stone Age." Daily News reported her public thanks to her same-sex partner in December 2007, and the couple's apparent split in mid-2008. After joking that celebrities are now expected to reveal they're gay "with a press conference, a fragrance and a prime-time reality show," the actress quipped: "I am not Honey Boo Boo Child. No. I'm sorry. That's just not me." In what appears to be a bid for privacy she went on to say: "If you had been a public figure from the time that you were a toddler, if you'd had to fight for a life that felt real and honest and normal against all odds, then maybe you, too, might value privacy above all else." Foster's hesitance about coming out has not gone down well in many parts ofn the USA gay communities. For example, author playwright and actor Harvey Fierstein reacted: "Trying desperately to be fair toJodi Foster, but what she did last night by standing in front of millions of people and being too ashamed to say the word lesbian or gay sent the message that being gay is something of which to be ashamed."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 16th January 2013 - 12:22pm