In a recent article I wrote of how the man at the top of any religious organisation needs to take charge and guide his followers in an unbiased manner, in the same way that the CEO of any corporation is responsible for the management of the staff under his control. Corporately any CEO who fails to control his staff in the way of the company directive, would be seriously remiss of his duties. He or she would have every right to be concerned at the response from the shareholders, and for their job. Well there is one man at the top who seems to have very little concern about his job, not only does he fail to have his cohorts toe the company line, but he refuses to see the reality of the situation and of their actions. By continuing on in the same manner as always, and conveniently ignoring the consequences, this man by all reason should be stood down. At least he would be in the corporate world. And what of the shareholders of this organisation, who look up in awe to this man, what action do they take? Even when faced with the blatant errors, made by him, they still uphold his worth, seemingly without question. But I forget this man is not just a man but a representative of a much higher being. So in reality perhaps there is a need to make allowances for his comments and actions. Looking at the way he guides his followers might just allow us to see his reasoning. Of contention at the present is the worldwide issue of Gay Marriage, on this, his stance seems to be that of, “it’s not natural”!, he goes on to inform us that according to the higher being (His Boss), marriage is between a man and a woman. Ok, no issue there, who are we to argue. There is just one problem, how come there are human beings out there that for some reason fail to conform to the natural state. Are we expected to believe they have no reason to be in this world, that they do not have the same rights as the everyone else? A world of the higher beings making, of his likeness, a world made with love for all, a world where only judgement is the prerogative of the maker. I am always amazed how men at the top often look for a scapegoat when things do not quite go the way they would like, it is so easy to say it was someone else’s idea or fault. But ok this man is not blaming anyone, but he is not leading his followers without judgement either, when he continues to berate those unnatural persons in our midst who have no way out. Surely that is definitely going beyond his status, and is the sole responsibility of the higher being. Something else I have always concerned myself with, the fact that a higher being with so much power as to make the whole human race, including the world, might have considered every possible human condition. That is, everyone and everything has a purpose. That being said, we must question the concept that this higher being would even need a mere mortal man to speak on his behalf, sorry that does not seem logical! However that is what all religions would have us believe. Letting this concept work for the moment, today is rife with organisations, companies and the like, that use others to speak for them, must we then be surprised at this idea, probably not. To recap then, the higher being has a representative; actually more than one if you listen to all the religions, logically the message that gets relayed to each must be the same. However that does not seem to follow true, it is all too easy to forget that these representatives are still mortal, with their own free will, opinions and ideals. Gosh this is getting really difficult. In effect the position of the higher being is reflected by who you talk to, that really sucks, what company would allow that to happen, maybe a government but never a well organised company. In order to get to reality then, human beings simply get to choose, if we believe what we are told that is because we have something called free will. That also means we get to choose who of these religious representatives we get to follow. I see a conflict developing here! If all these representatives speak on behalf of the higher being, is it not reasonable to expect them all to have the same message. That however does not happen, and the reason must be, each of them are human, (mortal). It seems then that mans free will is getting in the way of our ability to choose, and who is right is influenced by who shouts loudest. Honestly not a good position to be in when free will is at stake, according to some religions, if you make this choice and it is wrong then you go to a not very nice place, but if you make another choice you might go to a better place, sound a bit airy fairy! Meanwhile each of these representatives try to convince everyone else their view is right, and openly reason why others are not, but hang on, don’t they all have the same boss. Confused! In effect then it appears that who is right depends on who you listen to regardless of the facts. Problem is, getting right the facts also depends on who you listen to, but aren’t facts always facts regardless of the source! See the dilemma! Maybe when we say facts would it not be more correct to say opinion. Now we have it, what the man at the top is really saying, is that it is his opinion that these people and the way they behave is unnatural, not that they are, which would be a fact. Phew! Back to the people responsible for creating this issue, those who acknowledge to the world they are Gay. Actually they are not responsible at all; being Gay only causes those who believe they are naturally normal, to judge them. Big mistake as they have no right to judge, they might have an opinion but that does not make it right! Truth is that, only the higher being has the right to judge, and the man at the top and all the rest know it. They may use every argument in the book to convince us it is their duty to set us on the right path, but maybe each of us come with knowledge of right, that we have a purpose, to love and not to judge or do any of the other things we know we should not do. Be that the case, ignoring what we know is right and living our life base on others opinions, regardless of who they believe they are must mean we digress from our reason by judging their worth greater than our own, again not our choice to make. One thing many religions do have in common is their belief that the higher being moves in mysterious way, in ways that confound our understanding, just so we don’t get uppity and think we know it all! Just maybe as I said before, all the issues the naturally normal face, are really there to let them know with no uncertainty, what they think they know is not valid at all. How better to get this message across than for them to experience issues that others face every day, and then say see this, but do not judge them only love them, that is your purpose! Should we need proof of our higher beings ideals? How about this for an idea, these unnatural Gay people actually do have a purpose, and their purpose is to show the natural people not to expect to get everything their way, to show who’s right it is to judge and who’s it is not. Seems reasonable to me, particularly as this world is so full of people that believe they are right and judge others based on their own beliefs. Being merely human beings, many of us fail to understand that love cannot exist while judgement is uppermost in the mind. Maybe, just maybe, the sole purpose of those who are Gay, Lesbian, transgender, disabled, disturbed in fact anyone who may seem different for any reason, is to remind us our sole purpose is to love and not to judge! If you look at the Gay movement over the last fifty years is it not possible that this reasoning has merit, today society makes less judgement on Gay people than it once did, many so called natural people have in fact learned not to judge but to love those unnatural gays. Recognising this fact might show that the higher beings plan is actually working, but there is still a long way to go, far too much judgement remains today by those who have yet to recognise their purpose, and the man at the top seems all too willing to continue to judge rather than love! Diane Sparkes - 3rd January 2013