Thu 27 Dec 2012 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
A petition for President Obama to class the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group has become the most popular ever on the White House's We The People website. The church’s latest stunt has been to blame the Sandy Hook massacre on Connecticut’s equal marriage policies. It has sparked national and global outrage by stating it will picket the funerals of the children who were murdered. However the local community in Newtown worked together to prevent it. Westboro blames the advances in LGBT rights for everything bad that happens to Americans, saying that disasters and deaths are punishments from God for equality The petition to the US Government says: “Their actions have been directed at many groups, including homosexuals, military, Jewish people and even other Christians. They pose a threat to the welfare and treatment of others and will not improve without some form of imposed regulation.” More than 250,0000 people have signed the petition.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 27th December 2012 - 2:09pm