The tie for the third vacancy vacancy on the Trust Board of the NZ AIDS Foundation has been broken with one of the tied candidates standing back to allow the other to join the board. At last Saturday's Foundation AGM Vaughan Meneses of Wellington and Dr. Massimo Giola of Tauranga tied for third place in members' voting. It was announced at the AGM that another vote and a Special General Meeting would need to be held to separate the two candidates. Massimo Giola Meneses has agreed to stand back so Giola can join the board. The board has advised that it will co-opt Meneses "as a non-voting member of the Board to reflect his valuable input as someone who is living with HIV and is highly active in the gay community." Meneses has already served on the board in this co-opted capacity for over a year. David Friar An Infectious diseases specialist, Giola is originally from Italy but moved to New Zealand with his partner, drawn here by New Zealand’s civil union opportunities. He has been working with people living with HIV and AIDS for the past twenty years. Simon Randall Auckland lawyer David Friar and Auckland local body politician Simon Randall were both voted onto the Board at the AGM.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 30th November 2012 - 11:34pm