Barack Obama A poll shows support for Barack Obama has risen among LGBT Americans ahead of tomorrow’s Presidential election. The poll, commissioned by Logo TV, and run by Harris Interactive, showed that 72 per cent of LGBT voters were in support of Obama, compared to 65 per cent at the previous poll, two months ago. The support for Mitt Romney also fell slightly from 21 per cent to 20 per cent. “The movement toward Obama is mostly a shift of LGBT voters who were unsure on the initial vote in August (9 per cent) who have now moved to Obama,” the report says. “If Election Day is as narrow as many are predicting, Romney’s inability to turn these unsure LGBT voters to his candidacy could mean the difference between victory and defeat.” The report also found support from the overall population for Obama fell from 44 per cent to 41 per cent, and rose for Romney from 39 per cent to 43 per cent.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 6th November 2012 - 5:51pm