One of the pictures doing the rounds since the comment was publicised The Prime Minister is getting a pasting from comedians, professional and amateur, on social networks for his “gay red top” comment. John Key told the host of the Farming Show he had a “gay red top on” when he co-hosted the radio show on Friday. The hashtag #gayredtop is gathering steam on Twitter, with Green MP Kevin Hague quipping “Here's hoping Key will do for homophobic playground abuse what he did for planking”. One tweeter suggests: “Let's make Pink Shirt Day #GayRedTop Day,” while another adds Blue “bottom seeks red top”. Actual comedian Guy Williams says "John Key is quickly becoming to New Zealand what Borat was to Kazakhstan." Another Twitter user says: “I, for one, am glad the Handkerchief Code has finally been updated,” while someone else says “I would be wearing my #gayredtop, but it's getting bedazzled”. Others find little humour in Key’s jibe, stating “Bigotry has no place in government,” and “those who have the nation listening to them should choose their words more carefully”, while another user says the reaction is “the latest excessive PC outcry”. Mr Key is yet to comment on his wisecrack, which has been dubbed "gay top-gate" by journalist David Farrier. However he will hold his usual post-Cabinet media conference this afternoon where it's certain to be raised.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 5th November 2012 - 1:36pm