Big Gay Out regular John Key has mocked a host's "gay" red top. His critics may call him “John Gay” for his support for marriage equality, but the Prime Minister has been anything but gay-friendly with a “gay red top” crack at the host of a radio show. John Key appeared on The Farming Show as a co-host on Friday, where after dancing in his chair to Adele, he quickly remarked to co-host Jamie Mackay: “What you’re wearing is a big disgrace. You parade yourself as some sort of centre-right interested community member … and you’re in the red,” the National leader says about Mackay’s red sweater, in a giggly exchange. Red is the colour of the opposition Labour Party. “You’re munted mate, you’re never gonna make it,” Key later adds when talking about a planned golfing afternoon. “You’ve got that gay red top on,” before laughing. You can hear the exchange here.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 5th November 2012 - 12:31pm