Cartoon by Sam Orchard There’s a team with a difference taking part in Movember. Meet Team Fauxstache, who have gone to extreme lengths “for all the men, boys, and bois who can't grow moustaches”. Movember is of course the ground-breaking campaign where men fundraise by growing moustaches. It’s about raising vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men. The general way it works is that men register at on 1 November with a clean-shaven face and then for the rest of the month, while known as Mo Bros, groom, they trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Casting out the traditional way of participating, Auckland event planner, blogger and performer Phloss has joined with community advocate and cartoonist Sam Orchard of Rooster Tails Comics fame to start their own Movember team. They have actually had little moustaches tattooed on their fingers, which can be whipped out whenever they wish to show their ‘mo’. Sam (left) and Phloss (right) sporting their new mos! “Team Fauxstache is for all the men, boys, and bois who can't grow moustaches,” the pair explains. “Sam has dreamed of having a full beard since he was a little girl. He only started testosterone a year ago, so his thick mo has yet to emerge. Sam's keen to be a part of Movember to stand alongside his fellow transmen and support transmen's health and wellbeing.” The team says together it supports diverse men and masculinities across Aotearoa. The pair is promising lots of photos and cartoons over the month and is asking for anyone who feels the same as they do to chip in with what they can afford and support the cause here! Jacqui Stanford - 5th November 2012