Silipa Take 4.50PM: The Ministry of Health is standing solidly by the NZ AIDS Foundation as it deals with the fallout from revelations that a man has been charged with indecent assault relating to his time as a counsellor employed by the Foundation. Silipa Take left the Foundation's Awhina Centre in Wellington in 2009 after he was confronted by senior management regarding a complaint about his behaviour. He yesterday appeared in the Wellington District Court, facing two charges of indecent assault of a man or boy over the age of 16, after the matter arose again and triggered a police investigation. The NZAF says it has been assisting the police and supporting the complainant; and it alerted the Ministry about about the situation. "We have confidence that the NZAF is taking this matter very seriously and has put robust processes in place to take appropriate action," says Anna Redican, the Ministry's Acting Group Manager Public Health, National Services Purchasing. Redican says the Ministry has a long-standing positive relationship with the NZAF. "We are satisfied that the services they provide are of a high standard." "Regular reporting by providers, as well as an incident notification process, ensures that the Ministry is aware of incidents at provider organisation," Redican says, adding that the Ministry, which is the primary funder of the Foundation's prevention and support work, has resources available to the Foundation should they be needed. "The Ministry is able to investigate, offer support and give guidance to providers to ensure action is taken and issues resolved."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 27th October 2012 - 3:33pm