A message from the team tonight There has been a monumental influx of submissions in support of the marriage equality bill, with more than 10,000 sent in through the marriageequality.co.nz site alone. The last count GayNZ.com Daily News received earlier in the week was around 4,500 submissions through the website. That number more than doubled to 10,160 before submissions closed at 5PM. It does not include posted submissions or those sent in through the Parliamentary website. “This sends a very clear and powerful message to Parliament. New Zealand: It's time for Marriage Equality,” a statement from Campaign For Marriage Equality says. The group is a national community-driven initiate, endorsed by a number of groups ranging from youth wings of political parties, to UniQ and the Student Christian Movement. The website marriageequality.co.nzitself was set up on the “spur of the moment” by Kurt Sharpe, who was incensed by comments from Prime Minister John Key that there has been no “clamour” for marriage equality in New Zealand. It has steadily grown since.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 26th October 2012 - 6:45pm