Cathie Sheat and Andy Harness As you can tell from this review of their solo show, Wellington’s Cathy Sheat and Andy Harness are two women who really do make us laugh our bits off. So we are incredibly excited about their upcoming production Venus Envy Vaudeville which will bring all manner of uproarious and sexy performers to the stage at Emperor’s Bathhouse on Sunday 21 October. Harness tells us more! Tell us about Tomboi Productions? We've (Cathie our own comedy shows, as entertainment at Civil Unions, Weddings, Corporate Gigs, Birthdays etc.... it's all still a total joy, it's just that now we’ve got a website (how grown-up) which hopefully makes us way more accessible ( Leisure Lounge Queen ‘LaQuisha Redfern’, Auckland’s ‘Queerlesque’ goddess Phlossy Roxx, Miss Burlesque 2012: ‘Willow Noir’ and buff boylesque artist Andre Corey are a treat we can’t wait for! I take it there will be lots of laughs, with you two running it? We’ve handed the sword (or should that be whip?) of MC to the formidably funny Claire Ryan and she’ll keep the night moving sexily along. Naturally there’ll be plenty of silliness but plenty of sauciness too. Cathie