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OUTLine's new "Rainbow Suite"

Mon 24 Sep 2012 In: Our Communities View at Wayback View at NDHA

OUTLine GM Timothy McMichael and Chair Stephen Rainbow at the Rainbow Suit opening OUTLine has officially opened its spacious new base in Auckland, which it hopes will become a hub for glbti community organisations. “This is a very auspicious occasion for OUTLine,” its Board Chair Stephen Rainbow told the packed room at the powhiri for its new headquarters, which are just a few metres from OUTLine’s much smaller former space at Ponsonby’s Pompallier Centre, on Cowan St. “I want to be quite honest with you and say we’ve taken a big risk in taking on this whare nui,” Rainbow said. “Because we had a whare iti before this, a very tiny space before this, and we’re taking on a bigger space because we have a vision that there needs to be a base and hub for the rainbow communities of this city.” Rainbow said in most of the international cities in the world such a hub exists. “This is what this centre is about. This is the gamble that OUTLine’s taken because really no-one’s better equipped than OUTLine to take on that risk and to reach out to all of the rainbow communities.” He added that since the move, the suite has been used every single night by groups ranging from a marriage equality campaign to a gay elders group. “That’s our vision for this space – we want you to use it. We want you to help make this a success by making sure that it is used by all the rainbow communities.” Rainbow Labour Caucus Chair Louisa Wall, Auckland Central MP Nikki Kaye, Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse and local board member Simon Randall were among the elected dignitaries at the opening, along with many representatives of glbti community groups, including Body Positive’s Bruce Kilmister and Auckland Pride Festival co-chair Megan Cunningham-Adams. OUTLine has also done its website up and you can see it here Jacqui Stanford - 24th September 2012    

Credit: Jacqui Stanford

First published: Monday, 24th September 2012 - 7:26pm

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