The school board which sacked a teacher who stood up for marriage equality has issued a brief statement saying it wishes him well for the future, but is refusing to comment further about his firing. The Board of Trustees has issued a statement to the college community which say: "The Pompallier Catholic College BOT advises the school community that Nigel Studdart will not be returning to the College as a teacher. We wish him well for the future." While it will not comment directly on the case, Pat Lynch from the Catholic Schools Office says teachers do sign agreements to support their school’s values. “You can disagree yourself, but you cannot then use the school in terms of a platform to promote something which simply is not supported by the school’s ethos,” he has told Radio New Zealand. ”And most people would understand that.” Teachers’ union the PPTA is supporting Studdart, but says as the process is on-going, it can’t comment until it’s resolved – as Studdart may take further action. Studdart is overseas at his son’s wedding and will make a decision on his next step after his return.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 21st September 2012 - 11:14am