File photo Wellington’s gay helpline may merge with Auckland-based OUTLine’s national 0800 help service. The helpline is run by the Wellington Gay Welfare Group, more commonly known simply as Gay Wellington, which in its annual report says changes may be ahead. It says OUTLine has proposed the Wellington service’s volunteers take its 0800 national calls for two nights per week from early 2013. “If this occurs the local Wellington helpline is likely to close and all Wellingtonians will be encouraged to call the national 0800 number,” the report says. The Wellington helpline had a 13 per cent increase in calls in the year to June, with an increase in calls from women. Most calls were for counselling or general chats, with advice on coming out the most common reason for a call. Other issues were straight men with a same sex attraction, bi-curious callers, relationship break-ups or abusive partners, straight family members looking for resources and loneliness. Some also asked for information about community groups. Overall the Wellington Gay Welfare Group’s membership almost doubled in the 12 months to June, while the Newcomers coming out support group proved popular and the Lesbian Drop-In remained steady. Youth group School’s Out also had a strong year, which you can read more about here.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 17th September 2012 - 12:18pm