Bob McCoskrie Family First is being slammed for “making light of youth suicide in New Zealand” within a blog post which compares the fight for marriage equality to rugby and soccer. “Rugby is a game played by most boys in New Zealand in their childhood, though some don’t want to play it at all. A significant section of the community have always preferred to play a different sport, like soccer,” the group’s spokesman Bob McCoskrie writes in a blog post. “But Rugby gets all the status in New Zealand, commanding all the respect. So much so that those who play soccer are often made to feel like second-class citizens. They lack the mana of those who play the nation’s revered game. “Reliable studies show that this has statistically led to a higher degree of depression among soccer playing boys, and already our rate of male youth suicide is far too high,” he says in the satire piece. The post then goes on say to end discrimination rugby will be redefined to include any sport involving two teams with a ball. Followers of the Facebook page Protect Marriage Equality New Zealand, set up to counter Family First’s Marriage Equality New Zealand, have expressed disgust at the post, particularly the apparent mockery of youth suicide. “Bad taste, making light of youth suicide in NZ?” says Rebekah Galbraith. “Particularly LGBT youth suicide? This is extremely poor form, and completely misses the point of Louisa's bill and equality.” Vinnie MacBride-Stewart says it’s: “Tacky, mocking, insensitive.” Rob Sykes says “Wow. I don't care about the mockery of the marriage issue, but to mock the high suicide rate amongst LGBT youth? Horrific!!!” DC Sheehan says “The suicide comparison is sick. A complete own goal, which you can do in soccer but not rugby, which makes it all the more ironic.” Ivan James Miller says “I find it ridiculous, insulting, offensive and immature. To make light of suicide - suicide isn’t funny. I have lost people to suicide. And our youth suicide rate is so high already, to think gay youth are five times more likely, it broke my heart."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 4th September 2012 - 9:50am