John Key dancing with Buffy and Bimbo at the Big Gay Out Conservative Party leader Colin Craig has written letters to residents of John Key’s Helensville electorate saying the Prime Minister is “too gay” for the area. "There are people out there who simply don't like to see their Prime Minister doing things like dancing on stage with ‘transvestites’, as he has done in the past," Criag says, seemingly referring to the Prime Minister dancing with drag queens Buffy and Bimbo at the Big Gay Out. Pamphlets arrived in locals' mailboxes this week, urging them not to back Labour MP Louisa Wall's same-sex marriage bill. They had a letter from Craig with a quote from a local: "Colin, you should stand here because John Key is too gay for Helensville." Key says he’s had about three phone calls to his electorate office about his vote. Helensville local Jools Topp has told the New Zealand Herald: "Helensville is a cool town and I have never had a problem there," she said. "We could do without hate-fuelled opinions being thrust into our mailboxes." Another lesbian resident of the electorate agrees, saying she has never had any issues with such bigotry in the area either and Craig should “get a life” and stop peddling hate.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 2nd September 2012 - 10:03pm