Colmar Brunton has released a demographic breakdown of its May poll on same-sex marriage, which shows massive support for marriage equality among younger New Zealanders. Kiwiblog’s David Farrar, who is also a statistician, points out that under 35s are 76 per cent in favour, while 66 per cent of people aged 35 to 54 are in favour. “This suggests that combined, around 70 per cent of people aged under 55 are in favour of allowing same sex couples to marry. This is why I believe it is absolutely inevitable,” Farrar says. Other interesting aspects of the figures Farrar highlights are: · That women support same sex marriage by around 2.5:1 or 69% to 26% – and women are key swing voters · The more someone earns, the more likely they are to support same sex marriage – those earning $70,000 or more are almost 2.5:1 in favour · Those who identify with a religion are split evenly on the issue, while those who do not are around 3.5:1 in favour being 75% to 21% · Rural and small town respondents are in favour by 59% to 33% – just slightly less than the overall average of 63% to 31%.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 9th August 2012 - 11:41am