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Craig sticks to gay is a choice mantra in debate

Thu 2 Aug 2012 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

In an online debate, Conservative Party leader and self-appointed anti marriage equality crusader Colin Craig has avoided actually answering most of the questions put to him, stated being gay is a choice, and that equality doesn’t mean being treated the same. Craig claimed numerous times to know what most New Zealanders think during the debate. “Credit to Louisa, she is doing her best to promote her agenda. i don't think NZers agree, but look forward to working with Louisa with issues that we can agree on,” he wrote. When asked what he would do if his child told him she was in love with someone of the same sex, he replied “Just like the Conservative Party I take the view that people make their own choices and I know my daughter will do the same....” Wall responded “Hopefully he will say what my dad said: ‘I love you,’” to which Craig replied “I think that's a given, Louisa.” Craig was then asked whether he stood by his comment "It's just not intelligent to pretend that homosexual relationships are normal,” and responded with “My statement is that it is not intelligent to pretend that a mum and dad as parents is the same as say two dads. I think the difference is important when we are talking about what is in the best interests of a child.” Wall hit back with “With regards to Colin's statement that it is not ‘intelligent’, in modern societies, because of legislation like the homosexual law reform, people now have the ability to live their lives as they were born. Homosexualiy isn't a choice.” When asked whether he realises the stand he is taking is hurting people, denying them rights and making them feel wronged, Craig had the cryptic response “of course this is a sensitive issue, particularly with those who struggle with sexual identity or for whom this issue is closely related to bad personal experience.” Wall then asked Craig what his definition of equality and fairness is, and he said “equality in my view does not require that we all be the same, or that we are necessarily treated the same in all respects.” When asked if he could marry one man, who it would be, Craig said “I can't think of anyone (my wife's that great).” Wall said she’d turn straight for Captain Fantastic Richie McCaw. The Rainbow Labour MP was pushed on the issues of polygamy and redefining word such as ‘husband’ and ‘wife’, but made it clear she would personally be progressing neither. She said the legislation will send a message to LGBT youth that they are valued and respected to be who they are “Our young people need to be nurtured in supportive environments otherwise it can lead to detrimental outcomes such as youth suicide, which we all should be fighting to prevent.” The debate ended before any further questions could be answered and Craig has invited anyone who still has questions to email him through the Conservative Party website.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 2nd August 2012 - 1:02pm

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