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Wall says churches have nothing to fear

Fri 27 Jul 2012 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

Louisa Wall has made it clear churches have nothing to fear if same-sex couples are allowed to marry, saying they will not be forced to make any changes to the way they administer the sacrament of marriage. The Rainbow Labour Chair and Manurewa MP says the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill is about treating all couples the same. "The law can't force a church to host anyone's wedding. And that won't change," she says. "What will change is that loving couples, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender, will be free to marry. "My Bill preserves the right of churches to decide who can marry in their church in the same way it preserves the right of a marriage celebrant or minister to decline to solemnise a marriage of a couple. "The Bill is about fairness and choice. How and where people marry is not the issue."    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Friday, 27th July 2012 - 2:40pm

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