Hone Harawira Mana leader Hone Harawira has revealed he will vote in favour of proposed marriage equality legislation, at least through its first reading. The news comes after Louisa Wall’s Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill has been pulled from the Parliamentary Ballot, and could have its first reading next month. Harawira went back to his party on the issue, explaining he was morally conservative, but would do what his party wished. He now says Mana believes strong and healthy relationships were the foundation of loving whanau and a positive and vibrant society, and recognised that those relationships could be found between all people, regardless of sex, race or class. "Because of that" he says. "Mana also believes that partners in such relationships should be entitled to enter into marriage and/or adopt children, with the same legal protections, rights and responsibilities for all, regardless of sex, race or class". Harawira says on behalf of Mana he would be proud to support Wall's bill at first reading and looked forward to further discussions with her about the future of her bill. Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia, who voted against civil union legislation, appears to have had a change of heart. “I think that I have a better perspective,” she has told Newstalk ZB. “Because in the end I acknowledge and believe that so long as children have the best parents that they can have, who value them and love them, that that’s the most important thing rather than their sexuality.”
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 26th July 2012 - 2:49pm