Former Christchurch Central MP Tim Barnett has returned to New Zealand to take up the post of Labour Party General Secretary. He's back from South Africa where he has been a consultant "developing political leadership to address the HIV epidemic". Barnett first entered New Zealand’s Parliament in 1996 and as one of the nation’s first openly-gay MPs, was an outspoken supporter of the Civil Union Bill, who later had his own civil union with partner Ramon Maniapoto. “Tim comes to this role with considerable experience as a political representative and manager of organisations, at a fascinating and exciting time in our history,” says Labour President Moira Coatsworth. “He will be driving implementation of our Organisational Review, forging a campaign-ready Labour machine nationwide and spearheading our fundraising. All key tasks towards achieving Labour-led government from 2014". Barnett will take up the role on 26 July. You can discuss this gay New Zealand community news story in the Forum here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 19th July 2012 - 11:00am