File photo A new poll shows nearly two-thirds of New Zealanders support giving gay couples the right to adopt children. The Herald-DigiPoll shows 61.2 per cent of those surveyed felt the adoption law should be changed to allow all couples, including same-sex couples, while 35.1 per cent felt adoption should be kept to heterosexual couples. It’s a 20 per cent jump in support for same-sex adoption since 2009. Labour MP Jacinda Ardern’s bill, which would spark a rewrite of the outdate 1955 Adoption Act, remains in the Parliamentary ballot, while National MP Nikki Kaye and Green MP Kevin Hague are also working on an update of the adoption law. The survey also showed more than half of New Zealanders approved of gay marriage, while 40.5 per cent opposed it. There are two bills in the ballot on this issue.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 30th June 2012 - 12:04pm