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"Historic turning point" in marriage debate hailed

Tue 26 Jun 2012 In: International News View at Wayback

File photo Australian marriage equality advocates say a cross-party Senate committee recommendation that there be a conscience vote on same-sex marriage is a “historic turning point” in the debate. The report urges the Senate to pass legislation to allow same-sex couples to marry. It received over 46,000 pro-marriage equality submissions, making up nearly 60 per cent of all submissions received. Australian Marriage Equality National convener Alex Greenwich says it’s the first time a federal parliamentary committee had given its unequivocal endorsement for marriage equality. “This is a watershed moment in the marriage equality debate because Coalition, Labor and Greens members of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee have joined forces to help progress a reform a majority of Australians want,” he says. Greenwich said the fact that Coalition Senators endorsed the recommendation added pressure on Tony Abbott to grant a conscience vote. “This report has given voice to the very powerful conservative case for same-sex marriage, and has also called on Mr Abbott to allow members of the Coalition the opportunity to vote for reform and express their support for marriage equality as conservatives.”    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 26th June 2012 - 9:51am

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