Mitt Romney A group of gay American conservatives say they will endorse likely Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The executive board for GOProud, a group founded by two former members of the Log Cabin Republicans, has voted to make an official endorsement. "GOProud is prepared to commit significant resources to help make Mitt Romney the next President of the United States," Lisa De Pasquale, interim chair of the GOProud Board of Directors says. That’s despite his support for an amendment to the US Constitution that would limit marriage to the union of one man and one woman. The group has compared the economic records of Romney and incumbent Democrat Barack Obama. Executive director Jimmy LaSalvia claims that for far too long, the ‘gay left’ has been allowed to dictate what they believe qualify as ‘gay issues’. “We think that jobs, the economy, healthcare, retirement security and taxes are all ‘gay issues,’ and on every single one of those issues, Mitt Romney is light years better than President Obama,” he says. The Log Cabin Republicans is the largest group of gay Republicans and is yet to make an endorsement. In the past it has endorsed John McCain, but refused to endorse George W Bush because of his support for a federal marriage amendment.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 21st June 2012 - 1:08pm