File photo A new poll shows women aged between 18 and 34, who are not religious and vote for the Green Party, are most likely to back marriage equality. The One News Colmar Brunton poll, released yesterday, found 63 per cent of the more than 1,000 New Zealanders surveyed believe same-sex couples should be able to get married. That’s more than twice those who are against equality, at 31 per cent. Five per cent did not know, while one per cent preferred not to answer the question: “In New Zealand same-sex couples can enter into a Civil Union, but they are not able to get married. Do you think same-sex couples should be able to get married?” Women, at 69 per cent, were more likely to answer yes to the question, especially if they were aged 18 to 34 (76 per cent), did not identify with any religion or spiritual group (75 per cent) or were Green Party supporters (80 per cent). Men aged over 55 (48 per cent) living in low income households (40 per cent) who identified with a religious or special group (47 per cent) were most likely to oppose marriage equality.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 7th June 2012 - 12:03pm