The call is going out for anyone who wants to be part of a community campaign for marriage and adoption equality to come forward, with some of those involved in the civil unions movement stepping up to once again lead the charge. Jeremy Lambert Momentum continues to grow in the push for change on the two issues, with MPs from the Green and National parties working on various Members’ Bills, Labour MP Louisa Wall's marriage equality bill finished and ready to go into the next ballot, and a new One News Colmar Brunton poll showing 63 per cent of New Zealanders back marriage equality. Jeremy Lambert and Cameron Law, who were involved in the coordination committee for the civil unions campaign eight years ago, and among its spokespeople, are asking for anyone who wishes to be involved in a similar movement on the issues of full marriage equality and adoption to get in touch. “Obviously it’s hearting to see not just a shift in public opinion around gay marriage, but also to see a number of draft bills being prepared in support of gay marriage across the political spectrum,” Lambert says. “And so now people who were involved in campaigning for civil unions are coming together and starting to look for support across the community for a campaign outside of Parliament to support those pieces of legislation and their safe passage.” Lambert says there was a large team involved in the civil unions campaign, and he wants the marriage and adoption equality campaign to be just as wide-ranging. “We’re wanting to see as broad a spectrum of our communities involved in that campaign as possible … it’s our expectation that the campaign will be broad and will be as inclusive of the diversity of our communities as possible,” he says. The first stage of the process is organising a meeting in Auckland in the next couple of weeks, of people who are interested in getting involved. “There is no point that is too late for people who want to get involved, to be involved,” Lambert promises. Lambert and Law are available for media comment in the meantime, until the committee is set up and spokespeople are chosen. You can contact Jeremy Lambert at and Cameron Law at
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 7th June 2012 - 10:47am