Kevin Hague Green MP Kevin Hague says he hopes a marriage equality Bill he is working on will be able to go into the ballot alongside Labour MP Louisa Wall's, to increase the chances of one being drawn. Wall has unveiled her Bill, and Hague says his own bill should also be ready to be in the next ballot. However he says there are rules about how similar two Bills can be. "The ideal would be for both Bills to be in the ballot, doubling the chance that one is pulled," the Green MP says. "However, if only one is permitted to go forward, and it turns out to be Louisa's, then I will certainly wholeheartedly work with her to advance her Bill." Hague says either of the Bills would also deal with adoption by same sex couples automatically, as married couples and now de facto couples, defined in relationship to marriage, can adopt. "However, the much bigger issues with the Adoption Act would remain, which is why the overhaul of adoption law that Nikki Kaye and I are working on, is also necessary," he says. "In the meantime, congratulations to Louisa on getting her Bill developed. She has done a great job with it and is excellent to work with."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 2nd June 2012 - 5:48pm