Rainbow’s Labour Caucus Chair Louisa Wall has been joined by the Green Party’s two Rainbow Issues spokespeople Kevin Hague and Jan Logie in receiving boxes of pro marriage equality submissions on Parliament’s steps. The submissions come from the site marriageequality.co.nz, which was started by Wellingtonian Kurt Sharpe, who was annoyed by Jon Key’s claim there was no ‘clamour’ for same-sex marriage in New Zealand. Wall says the site’s creator Sharpe has done a great job in highlighting and consolidating support for this amongst all groups in society. “I was privileged to receive this petition with Jan and Kevin from the Greens. Unfortunately Charles, Grant and Maryan were unable to be there,” she says. “I believe marriage as a social institution is a basic human right. And today was another step towards achieving that.”
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 23rd May 2012 - 9:21am